Cinema is Back….
One of many things sorely missed during Lockdown has been ‘Cinema’….. Getting comfy in your favourite seat, lights dimming and trailers starting before the ‘main film’.
Well, as of a couple of weeks ago some Cinemas have re-opened…. Whoop Whoop!

I called up the Filmhouse and got some tickets pre-booked. (The Fimhouse and The Cameo are offering their members extensions on Memberships due to the lost few months of closure)
What to see? Well, there were at least 3 movies I had on my ‘hit list’ so let’s hope they are listed..
Nomadland – Starring Frances McDormand / Director: Chole Zhao

This American Drama is based on the book ‘Nomadland’ – Surviving America in the 21st Century but Jessica Bruder.
Frances McDormand plays the lead role, Fern. She’s lost her job in her home-town of Empire, Nevada when the plant closes down. Her husband recently died…… Fern buys a van and decides to travel the US picking up jobs when she can and live out of her beloved van… We follow Fern at her Seasonal job at Amazon – cold, cold winter time….
Fern’s friend and colleague at Amazon suggests she join this organised community of other ‘nomads’ in the desert of Arizona – it’s organiser is a man called Bob Wells….. as the weather is getting cold, Fern decides to check it out. It’s a real community ‘feel’ with lots of other people in the same situation as Fern; plus it helps with learning some basic survival skills and trading in items you may not use anymore for more useful objects.
What’s really special about this movie is the clever mix of ‘actors’ and ‘real’ people! It’s beautifully shot; sometimes the scenery itself without any dialogue is the star of the show.
Throughout the time we’re following Fern’s journey she meets some fantastic people who share their stories with her….. We also discover Fern has family who offer her a place to stay – she’s not on her own in life which I must admit made me feel better; this is the life Fern has chosen for now….
Who knows for how long?
Movie Showing at The Filmhouse, Edinburgh
Shelley x